Board Approves Ballot Initiatives!

Last night, our school board unanimously voted YES to pursue a bond extension and mill levy override on the upcoming November ballot.  This will give 27J residents the chance to vote in support of the construction of new facilities and expansion existing facilities to meet the needs of our growing community.  Additionally, the mill will increase our schools' ability to attract and retain quality teachers and support staff, expand CTE programs, and support our charter school partners in the district. 


Thank you!

Iam27J Committee

Showing 6 reactions

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  • John Rosasco
    commented 2021-10-23 09:10:10 -0600
    The last mill levy override was pasted in 2000. You may be referring to the bond which was past in 2015, which was used to build new schools to accommodate the exploding growth in the area. By law, those funds can only be used for capital improvements, building new and or updating current facilities. These funds cannot be used to pay expenses, which is why a mill levy override is needed. Here is a good resource of information which explains both in detail.
  • ris Reinoehl
    commented 2021-10-21 18:29:25 -0600
    I àm a 27j graduate, i remember when 27j voted to close north jr high and build a new school. Why? Because they felt the school was too old to teach in. 27 j has wasted tax dollars for years, then when the economy gets tight, they panic and want a mill levy increase. As a matter of fact it was only a few years ago when 27j had students standing on street corners in Brighton, waving signs and screaming at cars, to vote yes. Unfortunately, the voters gave in and the mill levy got passed. I am not against better schools, but 27j has not proven to use our money wisely, but squander it away. One example is the fancy siding on the Brighton High school. Was it needed? 27j school board needs to improve its use of funds, becasue i am not made of money.
  • John Rosasco
    commented 2021-10-12 05:47:50 -0600
    Unfortunately, recent attempts to pass a mill levy override have failed.
  • Chris Reinoehl
    commented 2021-10-08 20:04:23 -0600
    Another mill levy? What do you 27J think we are made of? money? You got a mill levy increase several years ago, remember? When you had all of your students on every street corner in Brighton, with signs and yelling? Why haven’t you added a fee to all the new homes built in 27J district?
  • Iveta Kirowa
    commented 2019-02-10 13:29:28 -0700
  • Chris Reinoehl
    commented 2018-10-11 19:26:56 -0600
    Vote NO on 112! If this amendment passes, we won’t need to worry about 73. We won’t have pupils to attend the schools, as the families will move out of 27J and Colorado.