For those who are serving as a "yardsign porch" or those who just want to be one of the first ones to pick up a yardisgn for their yard, this is the event for you!
Iam27J uses a "yardsign porch" system for distributing signs. We spend August and the first part of September recruiting people to agree to pick up a stack of 50-75 signs (at this event on Sept 23) that they then place on their porch. We then post a little map of all the "yardisgn porches" across the district so that your neighbors can find your location, and go pick up a sign for their yard during daylight hours.
After you RSVP, you will be directed to the volunteer page so you have the opportunity to sign up to be a yardisgn porch.
September 23, 2017 at 8:00am - 2pm
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