We are 5B !

The MLO will increase safety at each of the district-managed facilities, improve our schools' ability to attract and retain quality teachers and support staff, reinforce CTE/STEM staffing requirements, and support our charter school partners in the district.  Please donate $27 for 27 today!


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  • Ashley Conn
    commented 2022-11-02 08:17:39 -0600
    There is a lot of misinformation out there about this Mill and about how much it will cost homeowners. If you live in a 500k home it will be around $1 a day. If you live in Commerce city then it will be even less, around 10 dollars a month. The fact is, 27J has been forced to do more with less for decades because of the lack of support from the community. Can you support your household today on wages from 1999? No. Neither can 27J. While other districts have passed multiple mills over the years, giving their students more, 27J is falling behind . The district must be able to provide better safety & security for students and staff. Sometimes it is up to the community to step in and support our schools. It is well past that time. Do the right thing. Support safer schools . Vote YES on 5B!
  • ris Reinoehl
    commented 2022-11-01 17:23:52 -0600
    With sky rocketing prices, 27J still wants more money. Vote NO on 5B. 27J does NOT need more money. If this is passed, we, home owners will have an additional 1000.00 added to our tax base. We cannot afford this. 27J needs to stay within their budget, just as We home owners do!