NEW Iam27J Window Cling

In 2014, we fell 120 votes short of building new schools to solve our overcrowding problems. Now we are living with the consequences of that shortfall. Our students are facing split schedules, our classrooms remain over capacity, and our schools seem smaller and more cramped as the number of students continues to grow. 

We have another opportunity to raise the funds needed for new schools.

The district has assembled a Growth Activity Task Force to offer recommendations to our community and to our school board to consider referring a measure for the ballot this November. 

We need you to show them, your friends, and neighbors that you want another chance to vote for new schools in our district. 

Purchase the Iam27J window cling for $10 and your fellow commuters, your friends at the parks and pools will know that you care. 

All proceeds will go to the help Iam27J educate our community about the need to pass a bond. The deadline to order is Sunday, June 28th at Midnight. Please allow 3-4 weeks delivery. 

You are living the result of 120 of your neighbors not voting. Let's not let that happen again, we need your support to bring awareness and build a campaign in your community.

Click here to purchase your $10 cling! 

Let's do this!


P.S. We are looking for people to help coordinate their schools for Iam27J, be sure to check out our new volunteer page.

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  • Tyler Chafee
    published this page in Latest News 2015-06-13 22:05:32 -0600