Election update as of Saturday morning, 11.8.14

Thanks for all of your positive thoughts and prayers. The combined Adams County and Weld County results give us a total deficit of 136 votes, that is not within the recount threshold. Even if it was, recounts rarely change the result in all mail ballot elections. As far as we know, all of the ballots have been counted. There are 300 people in the 27J district whose ballots are missing a signature or have an incorrect signature that can be “cured.” Those voters have been notified by the Clerk in the mail about the need to cure their ballot. If you know of any supporters who have received one of these notices, please ask them follow the instructions and return the form as soon as possible. The deadline to cure ballots is this Wednesday, November 12 at 5:00pm.

 The Elections Canvass Board will meet the following Wednesday, November 19th to certify the results. That is the point at which we would know whether a recount was triggered by these remaining few ballots. If there is no recount, then the election will be over.

Even if the election is over, Iam27J will continue to educate and organize to support School District 27J. We also need your continued support and advocacy regardless of the outcome of this particular election.

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