Join Your Neighbors! Make Your Voice Heard at Tuesday's Board Meeting

This Tuesday, August 22 the School District 27J board of education will decide whether to refer a mill levy override to the ballot. They need to see your show of support for a funding proposal to help the district attract and retain qualified teachers and instructional staff. The discussed proposal would also provide our kids with updated tools and improved access to technology.

Right now, teachers are leaving the district for other jobs that pay better, materials are falling out of date and technology access for kids needs to improve so that they can be career or college ready.

Here is what you can do to help kids in 27J:

  1. Attend the 27J School Board meeting on Tuesday, August 22 at 7pm at Prairie View High School. Please RSVP so we know you are coming!
  2. Click here to pledge to vote. If you pledge before the noon on the day of the board meeting, your pledge will be delivered to the school board.
  3. Make sure your voter registration is up-to-date so you receive a mail ballot. Just visit


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