Yard signs are here!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our regional organizing meetings and phonebanks last week. We generated thousands of calls for Yes on 3B and talked to hundreds of supporters.

This weekend we need all of our supporters to come to one of three locations to pick up their yard signs. Click the link on the area closest to you to find out where:

We need as many yard signs to go up in yards this weekend as possible. This will be the the weekend where everyone in 27J starts watching the campaign come to life!


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  • Joan Kniss
    commented 2014-09-29 08:35:09 -0600
    Here are some more porches in Brighton:
    1568 Wildflower Dr (Indigo Trails)
    221 Tall Spruce (Brighton Crossing)
  • Joan Kniss
    commented 2014-09-27 21:30:45 -0600
    The following porches in Brighton have yard signs on them. If you don’t have a sign yet, please, stop at one of these porches:
    1727 Cherry St
    2208 Clancy Ct
    793 S. 22nd Ave
    1162 Falcon Dr
    361 Terra Vista St.
    Thank you to everyone who picked up signs at West Ridge, Stuart, and Brighton Heritage Academy!
    In the past two days in Brighton we passed out over 700 signs! Commerce City and West Ridge, how did you do??
  • Joan Kniss
    commented 2014-09-24 09:12:06 -0600
    We will have window clings available at all three yard sign sites. Be a moving billboard for our campaign. Pick up the clings on Friday at West Ridge and on Saturday in Commerce City and Brighton.
    Thank you to Ken Kreutzer for his work on the clings.