Turnout Statistics for Friday 10/30 (UPDATED with Corrected List)

Right now have 8,258 people who have cast a ballot in SD27J. We are happy to report a significant (but not sufficient) bump in the share of likely parent voters. Likely parents now make up 24.76% of the ballots that have been voted so far. However, we need to be at 26%. 



These numbers can go down as easily as they can go up, so it is critically important for everyone to check the list of all the people in Adams County who have a ballot returned AND validated by the county clerk. We have broken up the list into three sections. Each link leads to a PDF document that you can use to search your friends and family to check if they have voted.

Searching PDF files for names is easy, simply type Ctrl+F or Command+F and then search for the names you are looking for.

A through G

H through N

O through Z

The list we posted previously was missing some people who actually had voted. The updated list can be found here.

Click here to see a list of all the dropoff locations so you can help remind people to GET THEIR BALLOTS IN!


Showing 2 reactions

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  • Rich Randall
    commented 2015-11-01 14:52:47 -0700
    How come my wife and I show on the 10/26 list, but not on subsequent lists?
    Richard and Janice Randall
  • Jason McEldowney
    commented 2015-10-30 16:58:43 -0600
    Every vote counts! Talk to everyone you can this weekend …