Fronterra Neighborhood Park - Grand Opening and Back to School Picnic!

Commerce City is celebrating the opening of Fronterra Park with a community celebration and picnic from 5:30 to 7:30p.m.

***This is JUST BEFORE the Board of Education meeting at Stuart Middle School.***  

This is a great opportunity to come see the new park, visit with neighbors and visit with members of Iam27J to register as a SUPPORTER for a school construction bond.

Come out and talk with us about school capacity needs and learn how to get involved. 

Last year, the bond initiative missed by just 120 votes! 

The board meeting starts @ 7pm, and we want to bring as many signatures of supports and actual supporters as we can over from the Park to the Board meeting to show the Board Members that the public supports a ballot question in November so that we can make much needed repairs to existing schools and build new schools to address growth and over crowding.

 Come on out!!!

August 25, 2015 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Fronterra Neighborhood Park
10020 Joplin St
Commerce City, CO 80022
United States
Google map and directions
Jason McEldowney ·
Paul Francisco Jason McEldowney

Who's RSVPing

Paul Francisco
Jason McEldowney

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